› added 3 years ago


TIL Jeff Lynne initially refused to allow the song livin' thing to appear in Paul Thomas Anderson's Boogie Nights because he has a problem with sex and violence in films. However after PTA provided a screening, Lynne loved it soo much he allowed it to appear in the final scene and credits.

b9ogN TIL The Brothers Grimm wrote a fairytale, called The Brave Little Tailor, wherein a tailor kills seven flies in one blow and, through an amazing series of misunderstandings, becomes the king of his own kingdom.
yQeEl TIL dogs that served with the US Army in Afghanistan from 2010 - 2014 were poorly treated upon discharge, some were left in kennels for many months and not cared for, while others remain unaccounted. Several soldiers later searched for and rescued their ex-partners.
v7lK TIL Poposicle® ice pops were originally known as Epsicles, as they were invented in 1905 by 11-year-old Frank Epperson. Epperson shared the frozen treat with his kids many years later, at which point they became known as “Pop’s sicles,” leading up to a patent on the frozen treat in 1923.
Vx54 TIL, when Carl Linnaeus was in Hamburg, the mayor proudly showed him the remains of a seven-headed hydra. Linnaeus found out the remains were fake and made it public. As a result Linnaeus was forced to leave Hamburg immediately, as he crushed the mayor´s dream of selling the hydra for a large sum.
vjmj TIL a Philadelphia teen fell 5 stories while exploring an abandoned hotel with his friends breaking nearly every bone in his body. 8 weeks later he was back home and back to living a normal life.