› added 3 years ago


TIL in 2005 a group of Manchester United supporters who were annoyed by the takeover of their club by businessman Malcolm Glazer decided to start their own team - F.C. United of Manchester. The new club is democratically run by its members, who all have equal voting rights.

VMywm TIL that a chihuahua named Milly had a world record for the smallest living dog in terms of height on February 21, 2013 who measured 9.65 cm or 3.8 inches
nWJ5P TIL Los Angeles was the first city in America to successfully embrace sushi. In 1966, a man named Noritoshi Kanai and his Jewish business partner, Harry Wolff, opened Kawafuku Restaurant in Little Tokyo.
r5Q1 TIL Janet Leigh, star of Hitchcock’s ‘Psycho’, was so traumatized upon first viewing of the infamous shower scene in which she was stabbed to death, that she refused to take a shower ever again IRL and only took baths.
9Y1EB TIL “Whoever [...] unlawfully secretes, destroys, detains, delays, or opens any letter[...] or mail,[...] delivered from any post office or station thereof established by authority of the Postmaster General or the Postal Service, shall be fined [...] or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.”
9YjVr TIL the first vending machine to sell live crabs debuted in 2010 in a train station in Nanjing. The machine sells about 200 live crabs a day, with prices from $2 to $7. A sign next to the machine states each crab will come out alive, offering refund of three live crabs for every dead one to pop out.