› added 3 years ago


TIL during production of Blazing Saddles, retired actress Hedy Lamarr sued Warner Bros. for $100,000 because of a character named Hedley Lamarr. The lawsuit is referenced in the film by Mel Brooks' character, who says, "This is 1874; you'll be able to sue HER."

p8xep TIL that the US's National Weather Service has a computer model to predict storm surges due to hurricanes called the Sea, Lake and Overland Surges from Hurricanes model, or SLOSH.
p8Xr8 TIL about the arrow of time paradox. Events at the microscopic level are time-symmetric, meaning that if time were symmetrical, a video of those events would seem realistic whether played forwards or backwards. But this isn't the case at the macroscopic level. There is no good explanation for this.
8eprV TIL that there's a side effect of certain opioids called Opioid induced hyperalgesia that can cause someone who uses opioids chronically/addictively to be more sensitive to other painful stimuli
pKnA TIL: That Nathan’s Hot Dogs were originally priced so low, that customers were hesitant to trust their quality. In response, the founder paid locals to wear white lab coats to fool the public into thinking that doctors from Coney Island Hospital were eating the hot dogs.
X04eE TIL that during Dean Smith's tenure as head coach of the North Carolina Tar Heels, 96.6% of his players received their degrees and he also helped pioneer desegregation by recruiting their first black scholarship player, Charlie Scott.