› added 6 years ago


TIL that because assemblies of the Holy Roman Empire are called 'diets,' and because there is a city in Germany called 'Worms,' there is a historical event called the Diet of Worms. It discussed the Protestant Reformation.

wEg1 TIL At the urging of radio host Jean Shepherd, listeners entered bookstores and asked for a book that did not exist. So many people took part in this hoax that the book was soon on The New York Times Best Seller list.
86XX TIL there was a woman who grew tired of her Russian adopted son’s violent behavior, so she sent him back on a one-way flight to the country from whence he came with a half-page note explaining the situation.
OGe5g TIL that after WWI, Germany was forced to pay reparations that totaled $269 billion in today's money. The debt was so crushing that they made their last payment on October 3, 2010, 92 years after the Treaty of Versailles.
X00r8 TIL Softkey, founded by Kevin O'Leary, purchased many of the "Edutainment" software companies in the 1990's, acquiring Carmen Sandiego, Oregon Trail, Number Crunchers, and other titles. With questionable business practices, they were considered the major player in the downfall of this sector
1lG7 TIL that 2 days before Christmas 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson paid a visit to Pope Paul VI where they exchanged unique gifts. While LBJ received a stunning 15th century painting from Pope Paul VI, the pope himself received a foot high, bronze bust of Johnson’s head.