› added 7 years ago


TIL that due to a blaze that happened in Brazil in 1974, the LA Fire Code was change to make it mandatory to have a rooftop helicopter pad on all buildings over 120 feet, to be used as a means to escape a structure fire.

X9rE TIL that in 1996, Rage Against the Machine played Saturday Night Live with host Steve Forbes. In protest of billionaires like Forbes, they hung two upside-down flags from their stage, against the wishes of staff. After a confrontation with SNL stagehands, they were kicked out before the second song.
4XwXb TIL: The Golden Gate Bridge's famed color, "International Orange" selected by architect Irving Morrow for aesthetics and for visibility in fog, won out over the US Navy's preferred color scheme. The Navy wanted it black with yellow safety stripes --the better for ships to see it.
gKvy TIL the film trucks used on the film “The Warriors” were “protected” by a real gang called The Mongrels for $500 a day. A member of the gang approached the film crew and said “we’d love to protect them for you.” A gang mediator from the police department told the crew to pay them.
4kKDb TIL that The Toba eruption was a supervolcano eruption that occurred around 74,000 years ago leading to reducing human population to a very small population of between 1,000 and 10,000 breeding pairs ,all of today's humans are descended from this tiny surviving group.
9w8vr TIL that your body smells when it's stressed and your dog can sniff it out