› added 4 years ago


TIL Allvar Gullstrand applied the methods of physical mathematics to the study of optical images and refraction of light in the eye and received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1911. Due to the math in his works, it is lamented there are few ophthalmologists and physiologists who can understand it

R5v1Q TIL That Sheb Wooley is not only credited with providing the Wilhem Scream, but that he also sang the popular song "The Purple People Eater"
E1Zwo TIL that a German landlord once evicted a tenant without notice for spreading Surströmming (Swedish fermented herring) brine in the building's stairwell. When taken to court, it was ruled that the eviction was justified when the landlord opened a can of the fish inside the courtroom.
BKKk TIL that students in Karasjok, north in Norway dont get to stay home from school until its -50°C (-58°F). The school bus stops driving when it`s -38°C (-36°F).
ADyga TIL a Jesuit professor in 1901 found Martin Waldseemüller's map of the world made in 1507. What makes this map important is the word, "America" printed on the southern continent of the Western Hemisphere. The U.S. Government considers it the "birth certificate of America."
wLMV8 TIL when John Balson started off as a butcher in Dorset in 1535, Henry VIII was on the throne. Hundreds of years later, the Balson family continues to trade just a few streets away from where their first market stall was set up in Bridport. They are the oldest family business in UK.