› added 6 years ago


TIL that in 1968, four submarines sank mysteriously. An Israeli sub disappeared in January - four days later, a French sub went missing and was never seen again. In March a Soviet sub exploded and sank, and in May a US sub also exploded and sank - both causes remain officially unknown.

D1V4v TIL of the Isdal Woman, who was found dead in Isdalen, Norway 1970. An autopsy revealed she had been poisoned with phenobarbital and carbon monoxide. Her death remains a mystery
KY6GG TIL about "Sham" surgeries in which a placebo group is told they received a surgery when in fact they only had a small skin incision while sedated. In one study, those in the placebo group reported the same shoulder pain relief as those getting the actual shoulder surgery
ep6EE TIL French physicists Leon Foucault and Louis Fizeau made the first successful photograph of the sun in 1845, five years after the first photograph of the Moon. In a major technological feat at the time, the solar photograph had an exposure time of 1/60th of a second
6mmw TIL that the Oxford English Dictionary lists words with the suffix ’-ize’ (e.g., realize, organize) over the more popular British English ’-ise’, stating it to be both phonetic and closer to its Greek origin
D1APr TIL about Apophis (Egyptian god of death and darkness), an asteroid that will pass earth closer than our own satellites orbit on Friday 13th, 2029. It will touch our atmosphere, and we will be able to see it wiz overhead. There is a debated chance of it impacting Earth when it returns in 2036.