› added 4 years ago


TIL That after Steve Irwin died, a number of stingrays were found mutilated on Australian beaches. It was believed they had been killed out of some misaimed retribution by people who blamed the animal for causing his death.

v1yXR TIL a pitbull mix named Dosha, following being hit by a car, was shot in the head by a police officer in order to stop the dog’s suffering. At an animal control center, her body was put in a freezer. Two hours later, she was found alive. Dosha was taken into surgery, and survived the ordeal.
1JvP TIL Mark Cuban has an American Airlines Lifetime Pass that he purchased for $125k when he was 29. And once he used it to kick Magic Johnson off of a plane so he could have his seat.
6E58Q TIL When a Dominos customer regular didn’t place an order after 2 weeks the store employees went to check on him and found he was in need to urgent medical attention. It most likely saved his life
e0wV5 TIL A Swedish sailor shipwrecked on an island inhabited by cannibals. He was captured and taken to a local king, whose daughter fell in love with him. He married, had nine children with her, and became the king after his father-in-law.
bDN0 TIL NASA had an accident while testing spacesuits for the Apollo moon missions, and caught it on camera. The test subject was accidentally depressurized while in a vacuum chamber, and lost consciousness and experienced his own spit boiling. The team took nearly a minute to save him from the chamber.