› added 3 years ago


TIL that Einstein's support for pacifist, civil rights and left-wing causes in Europe had drawn suspicion from J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI, and after his arrival to America, the Bureau launched what would eventually become a 22-year surveillance campaign since the FBI believed Einstein was a Soviet spy.

wLd56 TIL that the motto, "In God We Trust," is not the original motto of the United States. During the Cold War, it was changed from "E Pluribus Unum" ("from many, one") in an effort to differentiate the United States from atheistic communism.
vREK TIL that there is a german whistleblower who got committed to a mental health center for the criminally insane. Now they found out that he was right.
g8kW TIL the old meme that suggests Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a horse originated from a scene she had with Bill Murray and Johnny Depp in the 1994 movie “Ed Wood”
EyKW TIL in 2013, ex-Canadian Minister of National Defense Paul Hellyer claimed that “at least four species” of alien have been visiting Earth for “thousands of years”, and that “there are live ETs on Earth at this present time, and at least two of them are working with the United States government”.
VMJNm TIL The oldest continuously occupied residence in California is the Rios Adobe in San Juan Capistrano, built in 1794 for Feliciano Rios, a soldier at Mission San Juan Capistrano. The current owner 225 years later is Stephen Rios, an ex-Marine raising the 10th generation in the adobe.