› added 10 years ago


TIL that businesses like McDonald’s and Starbucks buy chairs with low ‘butt ratings’ that have a measured time before they become too uncomfortable for patrons to stay.

KxDR TIL that the directors for Guardians of the Galaxy wrote a script with actual dialogue for Vin Diesel so that he would know what inflections to give when he said his lines as “I am Groot”.
7A1P TIL that a whistleblower named Gustl Mollath was forcibly committed to a psychiatric hospital for claiming that a major bank was engaging in money laundering. A report by the bank itself later leaked, proved that Mollath was right and allowed him to be released.
9YQlp TIL John Steinbeck’s dog, Toby, ate his manuscript of Of Mice and Men. There was no other draft. Steinbeck said of the incident, “I was pretty mad but the poor little fellow may have been acting critically. I didn’t want to ruin a good dog for a ms (manuscript), I’m not sure is good at all.”
OmOg TIL when George Washington first ran for the Virginia House of Burgesses, he attributed his defeat to failing to offer enough alcohol to voters. Two years later, he distributed 144 gallons of rum, punch, hard cider & beer - a half gallon per vote. He won the election.
wL66W TIL - There was a guy in 1917 who flipped a urinal sideways, signed it with a pseudonym and called it art ("The Fountain"). Now other artists try to competitively pee into it in museums. "The Fountain" was voted most important work of 20th century art by 500 art professionals; surpassing Picasso.