› added 10 years ago


TIL sometimes people fall when they’re shot because of a psychological predisposition to. Not because of any immediate physical reason, even if shot in the heart voluntary movement is capable for 10-15seconds.

d757 TIL that Dildo, Fucking, Anus, Condom, Nob End, Effin, Twatt, Intercourse, Bald Knob, Wankum, Moron and Swastika are all names of towns around the world.
jkOa TIL British researchers found a 60-year-old woman who has been unable to recognize voices, not even her own daughter’s. Unless she sees the face of the person speaking, she has no idea who is talking to her. After university research, she was found to recognize only one voice-that of Sean Connery.
ADpAw TIL that in the Great Depression, there was a fleet of "book women" who delivered books, regardless of weather, to rural communities in Appalachia. These women would ride 100-120 miles every week on horseback, traversing dangerous terrain, to ensure that their readers received their books on time.
vgZD TIL that in 1993, an Army husband cut off his wifes lovers head, dropped in her lap while she was in the hospital pregnant and said “"Look Diane, Glover’s here. He’ll sleep with you every night, only you won’t sleep at night”
rRQme TIL the neck rings don't really stretch the neck, they push the shoulders and clavicles down to create the illusion of a longer neck, and removing them incorrectly may cause death because the neck muscles weaken so much they can't support the head on their own.