› added 7 years ago


TIL that the state of Prussia technically existed until 1947.

1aYwX TIL about the Faint young Sun paradox that in Earths early history the energy output of the Sun was only 70% of what it is today, yet earth had liquid water and a climate hospitable to the formation of life, rather than the frozen environment that it should be with the Sun's reduced energy.
p8m7Q TIL Caterpillars almost completely digest themselves into a protein rich soup inside their chrysalis and then form their adult body around 'imaginal discs', highly specialized cells that rapidly form into adult parts.
yVkWw TIL In October 1809 Friedrich Staps attempted to assassinate Napoleon but was captured. Napoleon himself interrogated the would be assassin. On the possibility of being pardoned Staps said, ‘I would notwithstanding seize the first opportunity of taking your life.’ and he was executed on the 17th.
KYGo6 TIL King Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia created a military regiment of taller-than-average men. He scoured the country for men to fill the ranks of his "Potsdam Giants." Nations sent him tall soldiers to secure good relations. He even tried to pair them with tall women to breed a race of giants!
gM9y7 TIL A college math professor wrote a fantasy "novel" workbook to teach the fundamentals of calculus. Concepts are taught through the adventures of a man who has washed ashore in the mystic land of Carmorra and the hero helps people faced with difficult mathematical problems