› added 9 years ago


TIL A research study found that Guinness tastes better in Ireland and that “This difference remained statistically significant after adjusting for researcher, pub ambience, [and] Guinness appearance.”

OGBW7 TIL of Sir Anthony Meyer, a UK politician and WW2 veteran. He challenged Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher for the position of leader. Dismissed as a nobody by the media at the time, Meyer’s challenge would ultimately lead to Thatcher being ousted after a decade in power.
N7gX1 TIL that when Thomas Bopp discovered the comet through a friends telescope in 1995, he notified officials via telegram. The director later laughed and stated "Nobody sends telegrams anymore, by the time that telegram got here, Alan Hale had already e-mailed us three times with updated coordinates."
oRVdR TIL that court dwarfs were strategically positioned next to the king or queen during public appearances and ceremonies, which, due to their small stature, had the effect of visually enhancing the monarch's presence. They were owned, traded, and delivered as gifts to kings and queens.
b9Eep A month before (or even earlier) a heart attack, your body may warn you with 8 crucial symptoms.
WbEd TIL: The Guatemalan Special forces, the Kaibiles, are infamous for forcing recruits to raise a puppy, bonding with it and then killing and eating it. Recruits are also shot and forced to perform field surgery on themselves, and they also have to drink water out of recently fired artillery shells.