› added 9 years ago


TIL an area of Canada nearly twice the size of Texas was almost renamed “Bob” after politicians in the Northwest Territories asked residents to propose a new name. The campaign to name the territory Bob began as a prank, but thousands supported it. Politicians and Aboriginal leaders were not amused

p85Kb TIL stairs go counter-clockwise because of castle defenses. Castle were defended from the top down and since most people are right-handed it gave an advantage to be able to hold the railing with your left and the sword with your right.
N7W8e TIL Interstate 10 in Texas is the longest continuous untolled freeway in North America that is operated by a single authority, the longest stretch of Interstate Highway with a single designation within a single state (877.455mi), and a portion of it is believed to be the widest freeway (26 lanes)
WkJxN TIL the Toyota Land Cruiser originated after the Imperial Japanese Army captured an American Jeep during World War II and ordered Toyota to reverse-engineer it
Z8ybD TIL that in 1862 President Lincoln had to politely decline an offer from the king of Siam to send the United States a herd of elephants for use in the Civil War against the Confederacy.
6Erow TIL In ancient Greece, an “idiot” was anyone who didn’t participate in political or public arenas. It comes from the word idios, meaning “self” or a selfish person who ignored political debate and didn’t participate in politics. As the word implies, it was someone who was “separated from the whole.”