› added 8 years ago


TIL the 45th Infantry Division of the US used the Swastika as their insignia. It was worn to honor the Native Americans of the American southwest. It was changed to the Thunderbird, another Native American symbol, after the rise of the Nazi Party.

699Wm TIL in 2019, adult film industry star Kimberlee Anne asked her boyfriend to point a loaded gun towards her for “sexual gratification and arousal” while they were having sex. When he held it to her chest he accidentally pulled the trigger and the gun went off. She died later in hospital.
jNl4X TIL about Yoshie Shiratori. He escaped Japanese prison 4 times. The first time he picked some simple locks, the next time he climbed up a wall and broke a skylight, the next time he dislocated his joints to escape through a small hole, and lastly he dug a hole with a bowl. Every time was different.
Lbbd TIL there is a giant species of shark that lives under ice near the north pole, eats polar bears and lives for over 200 years. Oh, and the Vikings used to hunt them and eat their flesh even though it stinks and tastes like pee
wpvJ TIL letting a cut “get air,” or “breathe,” is actually the wrong thing to do to heal it.
Bgg8b TIL about Sokushinbutsu, a practice of self-mummification observed by Japanese Buddhist monks. The monks would follow a strict starvation diet until abstaining from eating altogether in order to lose as much body fat and moisture as possible. They would finally be locked in a tomb while still alive.