› added 7 years ago


TIL A doctor saved the life of a premature baby (Chris Trokey). After 30 years Chris, who was a paramedic, was the first responder to save a person from a burning vehicle, visited the hospital and realized that the man he had helped was the man who had given him the gift of life 30 years earlier.

X00NP TIL that the Panda's false thumb is key to it's subsistence on such energy-poor resources like bamboo. Without the false thumb, consumption of bamboo would require more work, compromising their ability to meet their dietary needs.
KOpr4 TIL Joseph Stalin originally trained as a priest in an Orthodox Spiritual Seminary. He at first achieved high grades, but later lost interest, declaring himself an atheist. He was known to stalk out of prayers, refuse to doff his hat to monks, and was confined to a cell for his rebellious behaviour.
4kp1a TIL Anthony Daniels, who endured years of discomfort in the C-3PO costume, was so annoyed by Alan Tudyk (Rogue One) playing K-2SO in the comfort of a motion-capture suit that he cursed at Tudyk. Tudyk later joked that a "fuck you" from Daniels was among the highest compliments he had ever received.
n6Pd TIL: The last Sauna contest between Finland and Russia left one man dead, and the other in the Hospital for severe burns
W09L TIL Sir Richard Attenborough (John Hammond from Jurassic Park) and his parents adopted 2 Jewish-German girls 9 months before World War II broke out because their house had been smashed by Nazi’s and their father taken away