› added 4 years ago


TIL of the Battle of Empel, deemed a miracle in its time: stranded Spanish troops were surrounded by a Dutch fleet. After finding a painting representing Virgin Mary while digging trenches by a church, the river rapidly froze that night, allowing the Spanish to attack the Dutch and burn their ships.

8aebL TIL The NYPD had operatives in 13 countries.
XEeJE TIL that if you planted the seeds of a Granny Smith apple, you wouldn’t get Granny Smith apple trees. Apples aren’t “true to seed”.
ADKnw TIL that Gustave the crocodile that allegedly killed 300 people has been killed
gYWL TIL China has a telescope on the moon.
NXyEE TIL France once tried to establish decimal time (changing the length of seconds, hours, weeks, months) and it didn't go well.