› added 4 years ago


TIL about the Kinsey Scale. Created by Alfred Kinsey in 1948. Kinsey thought that sexuality was fluid and could change over time. He created a scale 7 point scale with 0 being exclusively heterosexual and 6 being exclusively homosexual. The seventh point X is for asexuals.

5Vndp TiL the little red-haired girl, Charlie Brown's crush, was based off a woman that Charles Schulz courted who ultimately married a different suitor. Schulz described it as an "emotionally damaging" event. "What a bitter blow that is. A blow to everything that you are."
epgL TIL Earl of Oxford, who bowed to the first Queen Elizabeth and accidentally farted. Overcome with shame he vanished and spent seven years traveling. On his return, the queen greeted him with: “My Lord, I had forgott the Fart.”
wNMW TIL that Purdue Pharma made Oxycontin a blockbuster drug by marketing it as resistant to abuse and safe to widely prescribe. After paying hundreds of millions in fines for false marketing, the family that owns 100% of the company is now worth at least $14 billion
6E0J7 TIL of "Freddish" - Mr. Rogers' carefully crafted set of rules for talking to children, designed to keep kids from taking things too literally or becoming unnecessarily scared
pYJG8 TIL of Mariam Nabatanzi Babirye, a woman who has birthed 51 children, with 44 still alive. As of April 2023, her eldest children is 31 years old, and the youngest is six years old. She is a single mother, who was abandoned by her husband in 2015.