› added 5 years ago


TIL Brazil's Kayapo people rejected money from dambuilding companies. "We have decided that we do not want a single penny of your dirty money... Our river does not have a price, our fish that we eat does not have a price, and the happiness of our grandchildren does not have a price"

DQ7aP TIL that "many large opossums (Didelphini) are immune to the venom of rattlesnakes and pit vipers (Crotalinae) and regularly prey upon these snakes."
9Yk56 TIL A writer was caught for a murder only after a detective read his book about a fictional murder which contained similarities and details to the real life murder that only the killer would know about. Authorities also learned he was also planning to commit another murder to write book about
R7MA7 TIL Taylor Swift was born into alot of money.. Her father is "a descendant of three generations of bank presidents" and worked for Merrill Lynch. At the age of 14 her family moved to Nashville where her father purchased a stake in Big Machine, which is where Taylor Swift first signed.
OWJR TIL that the East India Trading Company once had a private army of 260,000. Double that of the British Army. It also once accounted for half of the world’s trade.
8e9nL TIL It's extremely rare for the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn one of its own decisions. Of the more than 25,500 decisions handed down by the Supreme Court since its creation in 1789, it has only reversed course 146 times, less than one-half of one percent.