› added 3 years ago


TIL that Legionnaires' disease is named such because of an outbreak in 1976 which killed 29 and infected 182 American Legion members during an annual state convention. This new bacteria was found to be coming from the air-conditioning units on the hotel roof.

8ePYG TIL that mice given injections of transporter viruses, loaded with telomerase genes, not only experience healthier aging with less disease, but also live 25% longer
0Dx5 TIL of John Deydras, a clerk who claimed to be the real King Edward II, but swapped as babies. He attempted to claim a palace and challenged Edward to single combat. At his trial, he confessed to making it up and blamed his cat, which had been possessed by the devil. Both he and the cat were hanged.
0w8wp TIL that kids falling victim to tampered Halloween candy is an urban myth. None of the reports have found to be true. In one case a child died from heroin found at a relative's. In another a child died after eating cyanide-laced candy from his father who'd taken out a life insurance policy on him.
LQAxr TIL of the Alcohol Harm Paradox: Poor people who report lower rates of drinking suffer more alcohol-related illnesses than rich people who report higher rates of drinking.
W6V4 TIL George Clooney secretly cleaned Richard Kind’s litter box for days, to the point Richard took the cat to the vet. Clooney then took a giant shit into the litter box himself. Richard took one look and exclaimed “Oh, my God! Kitty!’”