› added 5 years ago


TIL that a Canadian satirical political party, the Rhinoceros party threatened to declare war on Belgium. Said war would be cancelled if the Beligan embassy brought a case of mussels and Beligian beers to the party's Montreal hindquarters(sic). The Belgians did actually delivered

peQ4 TIL the Mexican state of Yucután got its name when a Spanish explorer asked a Mayan what the land was called and he answered “I do not understand you” in Mayan language.
kJ4aW TIL: According to Guinness World Records, PATH, a mostly underground pedestrian walkway network in downtown Toronto, is the largest underground shopping complex in the world. PATH spans more than 30 kilometres of restaurants, shopping, services and entertainment.
4Q9N TIL Stalin’s hated his oldest son,Yakov, so much that when he tried and failed to commit suicide by gun Stalin joked “He can’t even shoot straight.” Yakov later died in a German concentration camp, possibly after disobeying a guard. Stalin felt this was an honorable death.
nXvG TIL that there was a hobbyist photographer who took tens of thousands of pictures in the 50s, mostly in Chicago. She never showed them to anyone or even bothered to develop them and she remained unknown until her death. Now she is considered one of the most important street photographers ever.
oZPE TIL in 1967, protesters requested a permit to levitate the Pentagon 300 feet in the air, through songs and chants, to exorcise it of its evil and end the Vietnam War. Authorities agreed to only 3 feet.