› added 4 years ago


TIL the common poorwill, native to western North America, is the only bird known to go into torpor for extended periods of time.The bird's temperature can drop to as low as 41°F, and their rate of respiration is reduced up to 90%.They can remain in this state of near hibernation for weeks or months.

GYm17 TIL: James Doohan, who played Star Trek's Scotty, was a lieutenant in WWII, was wounded during his participation in D-Day, and was once called the "craziest pilot in the Canadian Air Force."
x6797 TIL Starfish Prime, a 1962 U.S. Nuclear Test in Space, Created a Radiation Belt That Disrupted Satellites and Power Grids
p8gJb TIL there is a special mud collected by one family from a secret location that is used by the MLB and NFL to prepare all game balls. After Roy Chapman was killed by a baseball pitch in 1920, the MLB made it a rule to prepare all new balls with mud to remove their shine and improve grip.
epVvb TIL As a child, Walt Disney's mom convinced his dad, Elias, to buy him a set of colored pencils and some drawing paper. Elias did not approve, believing the boy should spend time engaged in hard, manual labor. Even after Walt became famous, Elias never considered animation a real job
e0NV6 TIL only 19 states including D.C. in the U.S. have universal motorcycle helmet laws that require all riders to wear helmets. Illinois and Iowa have no state law on the books while all other states anyone over the age of 17 to 20 depending on the state is not required to wear a helmet while riding.