› added 4 years ago


TIL that when making the movie Avatar, they would film the motion capture from all angles. After the actors are rendered, the director would walk onto the set with a "virtual camera", which would allow him to film as if he were in the CG environment. TL;DR, they filmed using virtual reality.

nDnW TIL that when faced against 120 war elephants, Timur the Lame stuffed his camel’s satchels with wood/hay, lit them on fire and prodded them forward. The sight of flaming camels charging at them caused the elephants to turn around and stampede their own lines.
DQYnD TIL That Domino's retired their mascot “The Noid” after Kenneth Lamar Noid, a paranoid schizophrenic man who believed the character was meant to mock him, held a Domino's hostage in 1989. The mascot was recently brought back as part of a tie-in with a Crash Bandicoot mobile game.
W7GXo TIL Childhood appendectomy, but not appendicitis without appendectomy, was associated with a significantly increased risk of mood and anxiety disorders in adulthood.
MGm7 TIL that Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common, considered by some to be a “hidden epidemic”. There are many possible negative effects on your health, and you should take corrective action if necessary to avoid this condition.
WrmN TIL that when the government charged Wesley Snipes for failing to file tax returns for the years 1999 through 2004, Snipes responded to his indictment by declaring himself to be “a non-resident alien” of the United States. He got a 3 year prison sentence.