› added 4 years ago


TIL Tokyo Olympics 2020 bed manufacturer has reassured athletes that the recycled cardboard beds won’t collapse during sex. The Airweave bed manufacturer said the bed frames will be able to hold up to 440 lbs loads & guarantee structural integrity with no more than 2 athletes in one bed.

Bowr TIL the pilot who successfully ditched Flight 1549 in the Hudson River in 2009 was an expert on airline safety, an NTSB accident investigator, published a paper on airline crew psychology in a crisis, and had his pilot’s certificate in gliders.
r05w TIL Buster Keaton (“a master of conveying action through imagery alone”) and Charlie Chaplin had a friendly rivalry over who could use the fewest intertitles in their silent movies. Typical silents averaged 240 intertitles. Chaplin won with a low of 21; Buster got as low as 23.
l7jZa TIL A re-edit of the pilot episode of Battlestar Galactica was released theatrically in 1978 in Canada before the television series aired in the United States, in order to help recoup its high production costs.
VMyE8 TIL That much of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure was filmed in Arizona. Including the famous "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K" scene and the Napoleon discovers his love of water parks scene.
Ooo81 TIL Indian sadhu, Prahlad Jani, claims to have lived without food and water since 1940 and have passed scientific tests in 2010 where he lived for 15 days without food/water while under doctor observation.