› added 5 years ago


TIL: The block Michelangelo carved David out of posed several problems. Called “the Giant,” it had been quarried 40 years earlier and had started to weather from the elements. Worse, other sculptors had tried roughing out a basic shape but given up midway. The final sculpture thus befits its name.

emJJ TIL that the ex Canadian Defense Minister believes that there are at least 4 species of aliens that have been visiting earth for 1000’s of years, and they are concerned about our use of atomic weapons, among other things.
QOYk TIL The “Take On Me” video used a pencil-sketch animation / live-action combination called rotoscoping, in which the live-action footage is traced over frame by frame to give the characters realistic movements. Approximately 3,000 frames were rotoscoped, which took 16 weeks to complete.
4XaaR TIL that Romans had groups of fans supporting their teams during chariot races. They dressed in their team's colors and often had a brawl with fans of their opponents at the Circus Maximus, just as modern-day hooligans during soccer riots.
BraRy TIL in 2016, Capt Bertrand Piccard was the first person to fly around the world in a plane powered entirely by the sun; 25k miles w/o a drop of fuel. His great uncle, Jean Felix Piccard, was a high-altitude balloonist and inspired Gene Roddenberry to create the STNG character Capt Jean-Luc Picard.
LwAV TIL that in 2007 the British Army was forced to deny that they had released man-eating badgers into Iraq.