› added 9 years ago


TIL two species of geckos mated and they birthed a super-athlete female gecko that wouldn’t have sex with the other geckos. Instead she spawned new versions herself who spawned themselves, and now there’s a vigorous, speedy, mutant race of mother geckos cloning daughter geckos.

4X5Qg TIL of Lympstone Commando railway station. This is a railway station situated on the Avocet Line, from Exeter to Exmouth in Devon, England. A train travelling on this line will only stop here if you ask the train driver, providing you are a visitor to the Royal Marine Commando Training Centre.
16RAr TIL that due to a former Irish crewman re-stealing his stolen booty, Welsh pirate 'Black Bart' believed all Irish were dishonest. When word got out about Barts prejudice, people he tried to force into piracy would often fake an Irish accent in order to escape a life on the high seas.
GDkJ TIL that back in the day, a lot of professional middle-class blacks always traveled with a chauffeur’s hat. The reason: If they were driving a nice new car through a small southern town, they didn’t want police officers, or any other whites, to know the car belonged to them.
5Y66k TIL a Harvard research showed that having no friends is as deadly as smoking. Researchers have discovered a link between loneliness and the levels of blood-protein which can cause heart attacks and strokes
D6j TIL Nicolas Cage earned $20 Million for playing Superman, even though he never actually played Superman…