› added 10 years ago


TIL a man stole $100 million in diamonds, bypassing a 100-million-combination lock, infrared sensors, seismic sensor, and private security force, but was convicted by DNA he’d left on a partially eaten sandwich near the scene.

0wRRR TIL a service dog bit 911 into a cellphone after her owner collapsed from a seizure. She became the first canine recipient of the VITA Wireless Samaritan Award, given to someone who used a cell phone to save a life.
WkbYL TIL of Julius Lothar Meyer who was a German chemist. He was one of the pioneers in developing the first periodic table of chemical elements. Both Mendeleev and Meyer worked with Robert Bunsen. He never used his first given name, and was known throughout his life simply as Lothar Meyer.
OodjL TIL That AWS's acceptable use policy has an exclusion in case of a zombie apocalypse. A widespread infection transmitted via bites would be excluded if "...that causes human corpses to reanimate and seek to consume human living flesh"
a86G9 TIL in 1976 , LA Dodgers catcher Steve Yeager was impailed in the throat by San Diego Padre's Bill Russell's broken bat, resulting the the MLB issuing a throat guard rule for catchers.
EGQx TIL television networks accidentally aired an episode of Three’s Company where John Ritter’s scrotum is briefly visible. When asked about the scene, John Ritter requested networks air both versions of the re-run, edited and unedited, because “sometimes you feel like a nut, and sometimes you don’t.”