› added 11 years ago


TIL you can tell if a baby is self-aware by drawing a red dot on his/her forehead in front of a mirror

R9ga TIL the 442nd Infantry Regiment, a largely Japanese American unit that served during WWII, did so while their families were held in internment camps. Their motto was “Go for Broke” and they were the most decorated unit in U.S. military history.
B7mr TIL that after betraying their mission and informing the FBI about Nazi agents on U.S. soil, the two men who saved America from Nazi infiltration were greeted with life imprisonment, threat of execution, and deportation.
v19ar TIL that former Waffen-SS soldiers guarded Nazi War Criminals during the Nuremburg Tribunal. This was because the soldiers were Latvian conscripts and did not choose to become soldiers out of their own free will, thus clearing their names and allowing their skills to continue to be put to use.
9YbX7 TIL Baader Planetarium in Germany manufactures a filter film for safe viewing of the sun. This precision film was made in laboratories for nuclear and particle physic and its reflective property reduces intensity of sunlight by over 99.999%. The Sun appears in its real color - neutral white
PAwg TIL in 2005, Roy E. Disney ousted then CEO Micheal Eisner for being timid in the theme park business, neglecting animation studios, fracturing relations with Pixar, instilling corporate mentality among employees, and turning Disney into a “rapacious, soul-less” conglomerate.