› added 1 year ago


TIL most cars have an arrow next to their gas icon which tells you which side the gas cap is on

69WLl TIL that Michael Jackson was, at one point, one of the biggest song owners on Earth, which included the majority of Beatles songs. And who gave him the idea to acquire song rights? None other than Sir Paul McCartney himself.
ANOaB TIL of the Guy Goma BBC interview. In 2006, major technology journalist Guy Kewney was set to be interviewed by the BBC regarding a major court case. After a producer asked for "Guy", Guy Goma, a man waiting for an IT job interview, was accidentally questioned live on television regarding the case.
dLDZ TIL for Star Trek’s groundbreaking interracial kiss, NBC worried that Southern affiliates might refuse to air the episode, so they filmed the scene with and without the kiss, but stars Nichols and Shatner consciously sabotaged the non-kiss takes so they could only air the kiss version.
Lk6RP TIL Oliver Stone’s original story for Platoon was called Break, based on his own experiences in the Vietnam War and set to music from The Doors. He sent the script to Jim Morrison hoping he would play the lead. Morrison never responded but he did have the script with him when he died in Paris.
9YEAD TIL Franz von Papen (1879-1969) helped Hitler become German chancellor in 1933 and served as his vice chancellor. Though he soon realized how mistaken he had been, he continued to serve Hitler, and lived long enough to be released and write his memoirs