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TIL the Intracostal Waterway is a 3,000 miles (4,800 km) federally maintained, navigable toll-free shipping route that runs along the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico coasts in the southern and eastern United States

Gal5 TIL a Dutch television network broadcasted The Big Donorshow, in which a supposedly terminally ill woman chose 1 out of 25 contestants to receive her kidney after she died. The program sparked a major controversy, but led to 50.000 requests for donor forms.
8ePg4 TIL about Watkin’s Tower, which was a tower almost identical to the Eiffel Tower being built in London, UK. The tower was never completed due to financial and construction problems, and was demolished. Wembley Stadium was then built on top of it.
R4D1 TIL that China has built a new skyscraper every five days, more than 30 airports, metros in 25 cities, the three longest bridges in the world, more than 6,000 miles of high speed railway lines and 26,000 miles of motorway, all in the last 5 years.
VMndD TIL about "False uniqueness bias," which refers to people underestimating the number of others who share their positive traits ("unlike most people, I exercise") and overestimating the number of people who share their negative traits ("everybody smokes").
pYnxO TIL that there is an art installation in Burlington, Vermont that is called the world's tallest filing cabinet. It's name is "File Under So. Co., Waiting for". It was built in 2002 in response to years of delays building the Interstate 189 bypass into downtown Burlington