› added 1 year ago


TIL about Marcus Schrenker, a financial advisor who tried faking his own death after being caught stealing millions off his clients. He was caught three days later.

Z0K4 TIL that according to a principle in evolutionary biology know as “Foster’s Rule” or the “Island Rule”, members of a species get smaller or bigger depending on the resources available in the environment, leading to miniature island versions of elephants, mammoths, hippos, deer, and others.
4kvwb TIL Less than a month before Lou Gehrig began his 2130 consecutive game streak, fellow Yankee Everett Scott's 1307 game streak ended when he was benched. Scott and Gehrig are third and second on the all time list.
e0YML TIL that Christmas celebrations were illegal in New England in parts of the 17th century, because the Puritans found no scriptural justification for celebrating it and associated the celebration with paganism and heavy drinking
NXnO8 TIL that Norman Rockwell’s painting 'Thanksgiving picture' (or 'I'll be home for Christmas') was actually called 'Freedom from Want'. Part of his 'Four Freedoms' series, it was inspired by a speech of FDR. It featured members of his own family as well as their cook who was was serving the turkey.
P1Yrg TIL that less than half of all societies kiss with their lips, according to a study of 168 cultures from around the world and a professor of anthropology at the University of Nevada Las Vegas found that only 46% use lip-to-lip kissing in a romantic sense, excluding things like parent-child kissing.