› added 2 years ago


TIL: In 1990 a courier was robbed on a street in London, England. The robber made off with bearer bonds to the value of £292 million. Today, this is equivalent to £758 million - or $1.086 billion USD. This is still the highest amount ever stolen in a street robbery.

awVQZ TIL Dutch marathon swimmer Maarten van der Weijden successfully battled Leukemia and made a comeback to win the Olympics Gold in 10 km open water. He has now raised 2.5 million Euro for cancer research by swimming 165 km in 55 hours.
DQarV TIL that the younger brother of Hermann Göring, Albert, was anti-Nazi and spent World War 2 defying the regime by helping Jews escape and assisting in sabotage efforts. He later was found innocent at the Nuremburg trials. He died with little to no recognition for his efforts during the war.
kOZRm TIL - HTTP error code 451 = "Unavailable For Legal Reasons". Displayed when the user requests an resource which cannot be served a web page that is censored by a government. The number 451 is a reference to Ray Bradbury's 1953 dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451, in which books are outlawed.
rReM1 TIL That 70's Show (S01EP11) gay character Buddy Morgan (played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt) was supposed to be a recurring character but was ultimately scrapped because of backlash.
JYvJ4 TIL that Hershey's designed a customized chocolate bar for the troops during WW2 called "D ration bar". It was so thick that soldiers had to shave slices off with a knife before chewing on it. By the end of the war, more than 3 billion ration bars had been produced.