› added 7 months ago


TIL Momma bears are so protective of their young they’ll actively seek out human occupied areas because they know male bears, who would want to kill their cubs to increase the chances they mate with them, will avoid human contact.

QZoE TIL Ancient Library of Alexandria, in Egypt, was in charge of collecting all the world’s knowledge. Any books found on ships that came into port were taken to the library where Official scribes then copied these writings. Originals were kept in the library, and the copies delivered to the owners.
4XBR TIL that Rush Limbaugh used his show’s theme - the bassline from “My City Was Gone”, by The Pretenders, without permission. When the song’s writer found out, she demanded that her royalties from Rush’s use of the song be donated to PETA.
m11ov TIL that people of Asian descent tend to have more severe obstructive sleep apnea than Caucasians of similar age and BMI. Differences in facial bone structure appear to be the reason why Asians have a higher risk for OSA.
aL1Z TIL that researchers are studying fireflies to increase LED output. The study of the glowing mechanism of fireflies has helped increase LED output by 55% so far.
nWo4d TIL that the 1984 song Careless Whisper by Wham! had been previously produced and recorded in 1983 but George Michael did not like the way the saxophone sounded so he decided to have it re-recorded. The earlier recording is known as "Careless Whisper (Jerry Wexler version)".