› added 1 year ago


TIL The nucli of multicellular fungi cells can migrate, if a fungus encounters something strange like a substance that can't be broken down, nuclei will concentrate in that area to try and find a mutation that can break it down, brute-forcing their DNA, seen also with consuming plastic and radiation

ADlex TIL that after Andre the Giant fell on top of somebody while drunk during the making of The Princess Bride, the NYPD sent an undercover officer to follow him around whenever he went out drinking to ensure he didn't fall on anyone again.
7p6r TIL Any U.S. citizen can claim an island, rock or key not within the jurisdiction of another government for America if it has a guano deposit.
1aR0d TIL that WW1 was referred to as "The war to end all wars." Since it's end 100 years ago to the day, there have been a total of at least 224 separate wars around the world. Resulting in a total of around 67,380,966 deaths.
oBYEY TIL that Hugo Gutmann, a German Jewish army officer recommended Hitler for the award of the Iron Cross. According to the historian Werner Maser, Gutmann received, by Hitler's intervention, a pension from Nazi Germany until the end of the Second World War in Europe, despite losing his citizenship.
R7dr4 TIL that in 2018, it cost 2.06 cents to make a penny. This means that the US Mint loses money from every penny they make (in 2018 they lost $90 million). Even more, this means that if you melted down a penny it would be worth more than its face value.