› added 10 years ago


TIL - There has only ever been one successful shoot-down of a F-117A stealth plane, in 1999 during the NATO bombing of former Yugoslavia, the Pilot ejected safely. Since then the US pilot and Serb that shot him down have become good friends.

Mw0m TIL That Leonardo da Vinci claimed to have dissected more than 30 people in his pursuit to further understand human anatomy, and his more than 240 detailed drawings and over 13,000 words of observations revealed many then unknown characteristics of our bodies. However, all this remain unpublished.
e0gGD TIL the birthing position used on movies and TV shows is the most painful type for pretty much all women. It is not typically recommended anywhere in the world.
VBklm TIL that Point Roberts, Washington is a pene-exclave of Washington just south of Vancouver, Canada. It is attached to Canada by land but separated from the USA. It can only be reached from the USA by sea, air, or by driving 25 miles through Canada and then into Point Roberts, crossing two borders.
OoB6e TIL that despite making dozens of recordings of his voice on wax cylinders, no known recordings of Mark Twain's voice are known to have survived.
kOrDd TIL that, in 1931, Wayne Morse, a college professor, gave one of his students, Richard Neuberger, a D for the course. When Neuberger complained, he changed his grade to an F. Because of this, 20 years later, they would only communicate through angry letters as the two senators from Oregon.