› added 9 years ago


TIL a British IT worker threw out an old hard drive containing a few thousand bitcoin he mined when they were a novelty, prompting searches for the $9 million buried in a Welsh landfill

4JrX TIL that for staring in the 1988 comedy film Twins, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito both agreed to take 20% of the film’s box office take instead of their usual salaries. This resulted in them receiving the biggest paychecks of their movie careers.
dbPB TIL Tony Hawk had his own brand of toilet paper because his agency thought they could sell anything with his name on it, “even toilet paper”
KOre9 TIL : Tazer Ball is a combination of soccer and rugby in which players could shock each other with stun guns. The game puts two teams of four players on a field. Players have to get a large ball into a net while avoiding their opponents, all of whom are armed with tazers.
ROv6 TIL that in 1994, Disney purchased the film rights for a movie centered on the Hasbro toy Stretch Armstrong. Danny DeVito was offered and accepted the titular role, but only on the stipulation that there be no jokes regarding his height. The film was subsequently scrapped.
Brnvy TIL: A bronze sculpture at handsome Victor Noir's grave shows him prone & dying after a lost duel. Age patinated the metal to a green-brown color except on his lips and his (um) bulge --which gleam! They shine from constant contact by the superstitious who seek good luck by (ahem) "remembering" him.