› added 8 years ago


TIL that almost every renowned philosopher of Ancient Greece and Rome experienced what we know as “tripping” by being an initiates in the cult of Demeter. Initiates went through an annual rite of passage involving ergot, the founding compound of LSD.

Q5pp TIL In 1913, a roulette wheel landed on black 26 times in a row. Shortly after, gamblers revisited the wheel to lose millions of francs betting against black, and a statistical fallacy was born.
oKrA TIL blacks were given ‘ghetto loans’, which were higher-interest subprime loans normally reserved for customers with bad credit ratings, even if they qualified for a normal loan. It found out that high-income blacks were almost twice as likely to end up with subprime mortgages as low-income whites.
08av TIL the first American spy satellites literally dropped their film from space in a “film bucket” that was then scooped up in midair by a plane
b95nj TIL People with arteriosclerosis have pimple-like growths, called plaques, inside their artery walls. These pimples are stuffed with a kind of pus. When a large, ugly yellow plaque pops open, it attracts red blood cells that form a clot, blocking the artery and causing a heart attack or stroke.
OX7L TIL ants enslaved by other ant species (TIL ants get enslaved) rebel against their masters by neglecting the work they’re assigned to do, and even killing the master species’ young. The slaves may not be able to save themselves, but by rebelling they can protect nearby relatives from the same fate.