› added 4 years ago


TIL that a peace flame has been burning in Hiroshima since it was lit in 1964, and will remain lit until all nuclear bombs on the planet are destroyed and the planet is free from the threat of nuclear annihilation.

EyGW TIL: The Integral Fast Reactor can’t meltdown, is 100 times more efficient and recycles its own waste. The government killed it in 1994
v1Zxr TIL Frederick Douglass Was The Most Photographed Man Of His Time and sat for more portraits during the 1800s than even Abraham Lincoln. He spelled out in four speeches, essays on why photography is so important in ending slavery and racism and achieving civil rights
6klW TIL the Bowhead whale is by far the longest living mammal in the world and has been know to live up to 211 years. Some have even been found with the tips of ivory spears still lodged in their flesh from failed attempts by whalers of the 1800’s.
Nmw6 TIL New College (f 1379) has a hall made with oak beams. A century ago it was found the beams were infested w/ beetles; Finding replacements would be difficult, however, in the 1300s New College had planted groves of oak trees w/ the sole purpose to replace the beams when they became full of beetles
8jk8 TIL about “Sutton’s Law”, which states “that when diagnosing, one should consider the obvious”. Named after the famous American bank robber, Willie Sutton, when asked ‘Why do you rob banks?’ To which replied, ‘Because that’s where the money is.’