› added 5 years ago


TIL During the Cold War a 'Three world' model arose to describe nations either aligned with NATO (first world),the Eastern Bloc (second world) or the'Third World'. Rather than economic this was a political grouping loosely describing 'unaligned' nations in the 'devoloping world.

R5w4w TIL that the first recorded person to fly was Yuan Huangtou, a Chinese former prince who was forced to participate in an experiment in 559 CE with other prisoners in which he was strapped to a kite and flown off a 33 meter tall tower. He was the only survivor and flew 2.5 km.
W0VA TIL that America is the only developed country on earth where the current generation is less educated than the previous generation
1a5eV TIL there is a town in China completely focused on mass-production of oil paintings, where for example a single artist made 400 replicas of the same painting, and Wal-Mart alone orders thousands of paintings each month
O9n4 TIL there is an animal that looks like a gremlin with a “long, bony, witch-like middle finger” called an Aye Aye. These gentle, harmless animals are killed due to local superstition that aye-ayes are harbingers of death, and if an aye-aye points its middle finger at you, it’s a death sentence.
p8PDb TIL of the Gimli Glider. In 1983, Canadian plane was filled with 22,300 LB of fuel instead of in KG, leading the plane to run out of fuel halfway through the flight. With no fuel or power, the pilot successfully glided the plane onto a racetrack. There were no casualties.