› added 4 years ago


TIL In 1945 Roman Catholic nun Elise Rivet volunteered to go to the gas chamber in place of a mother at the Ravensbruck concentration camp. Less than two months before Germany surrendered she was killed at the age of 55.

ZYe4 TIL In 1948 the United States Air-force tested the XF-85 Goblin, a jet fighter designed to be deployed and retrieved from a bomber’s bomb-bay. The bomber could carry a maximum of 4 XF-85s, turning it into a “Flying Aircraft Carrier”.
5QZk TIL children who speak Mandarin are far more likely to develop perfect pitch because of tone association with words, and that one word can have up to four different meanings depending on the pitch at which it is spoken.
1aL67 TIL Pablo Picasso's son Claude was a photographer in New York City when his father died. At the time, he had experienced a period of estrangement from his father due to his mother's memoir "Life with Picasso". He later established the "Picasso Administration" to look after copyright
nxM9 TIL in 1911 British Antarctic explorer George Murray Levick observed the sexual habits of an Adélie Penguin rookery. The habits included necrophilia, coercion and homosexuality. The report was deemed too indecent at the time and was only published in 2012.
NPNe TIL of Howard Hill, considered by many to be the greatest archer of all time. In 1938 he made the most iconic archery shot in literature: Robin Hood splitting a target-embedded arrow with his own. He is also the first white man to kill an elephant using only a bow and arrow.