› added 5 years ago


TIL in 2014, a small Japanese village tried to set up a monument to remember the WW2 Korean slaves that died in the region, but were forced to stop by Japanese ultranationalists. These ultranationalists have also been successful in the removal of other monuments of contrition around Japan.

VMdGQ TIL Polar bears often hunt walruses by simply charging at a group of them and eating the ones that were crushed or wounded in the mass panic to escape. Direct attacks are rare.
Brwjk TIL The original Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers series helped to inspire George Lucas's Star War series to include an "opening crawl," a signature device used in the opening sequence of every numbered film. Star Wars used the famous opening crawl, "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...."
78Qj7 TIL that the world's oldest university, the University of Bologna, was founded in 1088. It is still in operation today and is one of the most prestigious universities in Italy.
mxEQM TIL that in 1787, two days before they signed off on the Constitution, the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention partied at a tavern, where they drank 54 bottles of Madeira, 60 of claret, eight of whiskey, 22 of porter, eight of hard cider, 12 of beer and seven bowls of alcoholic punch.
Ypvnd TIL an alligator’s sex is determined by the temperature the egg is incubated in and not chromosomes. Eggs incubated at 30 °C (86 °F) or lower produce females; whereas 33 °C (93 °F) or higher produce males.