› added 6 years ago


TIL in 2014, a small Japanese village tried to set up a monument to remember the WW2 Korean slaves that died in the region, but were forced to stop by Japanese ultranationalists. These ultranationalists have also been successful in the removal of other monuments of contrition around Japan.

AZM7 TIL in 2011 North Korea employed “An army of online gaming hackers” to farm WOW gold in South Korea. The money gained from selling the WOW gold went directly towards North Korea’s nuclear program.
KYBDR TIL one 5th of all mammal species are bats, and their ancestors appeared at the time of the dinosaurs
0wgZ5 TIL only one woman has been awarded the Medal Of Honor. It was subsequently taken away from her & then 60 years later, it was posthumously given back. Mary was a women’s right activist & was once arrested for “impersonating” a man by wearing pants.
NLk8 TIL in 2009 two Northwest Airlines pilots lost their licenses when they overshot their planned destination by 150 miles, only realizing their mistake when a flight attendant asked about landing. The pilots were both on their personal laptops and ignored inquiries from flight control for 90 minutes.
N7AJ8 TIL the "Cardinal King" Henry the Chaste of Portugal never expected the throne, as he was an elderly man vowed to celibacy, doomed without successors. He attempted to resign the clergy to produce an heir, but Spain pressured the pope to deny him. When Henry died, Spain annexed Portugal for 60 years