› added 5 years ago


TIL Scot-free originally meant tax-free, scot is the Middle English word for tax. It later took on its current meaning of escaping consequences.

9pBr TIL in November 2006 Denise Richards confronted two paparazzi who were photographing her from a balcony, threw their computers off the balcony, which struck two elderly women in wheelchairs.
Me600 TIL Over 90 percent of Mexico’s businesses are “microenterprises,” small-scale operations with workers or owners completely dependent on each day’s earnings. During the pandemic, Mexico City’s food mercados remain open, taco stands serve customers, and mariachis still come out, in order to survive
myZE TIL that the first person to perform a cardiac catheterization was not allowed to perform the procedure on a patient, so he decided to perform it on himself and then walk all the way to the X-ray room with the catheter still in his arm to prove that the tube had reached his heart.
O1rR TIL after being assigned to create the first act of a play for his playwriting class, Matt Damon turned in a 40-some-odd-page document and said, “Look, I might have failed your class, but it is the first act of something longer.” This was later developed into the movie, ‘Good Will Hunting’.
nWyyP TIL that Michael Crichton, the author of “Jurassic Park” (1990), was a workaholic who followed what he called "a structured approach" of ritualistic self-denial, where, while writing a book, he’d rise increasingly early each day. At one point, Crichton would go to bed at 10 PM and wake up at 2 AM.