› added 3 years ago


TIL Jimmy Carter, LITERALLY averted a Nuclear Disaster in Ottawa Ontario, by being lowered into a nuclear reactor with a wrench.

awxDM TIL that in 2002, a Marvel comics writer based an alternate version of Nick Fury on Samuel L Jackson, using his image without permission. Jackson discovered this and nearly took legal action. Marvel offered to cast him as Fury if the character was ever in a movie. Jackson took the deal.
kOvAm TIL that Donnie Dunagan, a retired United States Marine Corps drill instructor, managed to keep secret - throughout his entire career - that he was a voice actor in the Walt Disney's Bambi film, providing the voice of young Bambi.
OGa51 TIL of the Benjamin Duke House on 5th Avenue in New York City. It was completed in 1901 for an heir to the Duke tobacco fortune. It remained in the Duke Family for more than a century and In 2006 it sold to a former taxi driver for $40 million, the most ever paid for a Manhattan residence.
WkL8L TIL in 1071, the Byzantine Emperor was captured in battle by the Great Seljuk Empire. The Emperor was brought to the Sultan, Alp Arslan, and told him that had he won, he likely would have had him executed. Alp Arslan replied "My punishment is far heavier. I forgive you, and set you free."
oReKR TIL Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's final task on the moon was to leave a small package of memorial items to Soviet cosmonauts Yuri Gagarin and Vladimir Komarov, and Apollo 1 astronauts Grissom, White and Chaffee.