› added 11 years ago


TIL Mars, inc denied the use of M&M’s to be used in Steven Spielberg’s ET, describing the character as a “creature whose appearance falls somewhere between stray dog with mange and syphilitic genitals”

lDyr TIL of a man from Poland who was admitted to the hospital after a car accident with a BAC of 1.480%. Believing their equipment was faulty, doctors tested him 5 more time with the same result each time. The man died a few days later due to his injuries from the accident, rather than his BAC.
yQvBv TIL: Melody Roads (invented in Japan) are highways that play songs. Grooves on the road surface cause a vibration and audible rumbling to be transmitted through the wheels and into the car in the form of a musical tune.
Oor8g TIL that in addition to ending WW1, the Treaty of Versailles also made it so that Bayer could no longer trademark "heroin".
plb8 TIL that the inventor of Vaseline was such a firm believer in its medicinal properties that he claimed to have eaten a spoonful of it a day; During a bout of pleurisy in his 50s, he ordered his nurse to cover him from head to toe in the substance, and soon recovered. He lived to be 94.
7r1MX TIL that in the 1600s, some monks in Germany only drank beer and water during their 40-day fast for lent. They concocted an “unusually strong” brew, full of carbohydrates and nutrients. In 2011, a journalist attempted to re-create their fast. He lost 25 pounds during the ordeal.