› added 11 months ago


TIL that former major league baseball player Ron LeFlore first played organized baseball in prison while serving a sentence for armed robbery. After being released, he played for 9 seasons and was largely known as a base stealer.

ravo TIL that despite having 70+ million viewers, Reddit is actually not profitable and in the RED. Massive server costs and lack of advertising are the main issues.
wLm8M TIL That doctors had been inadvertently causing a rise in peanut allergies by telling parents to avoid giving infants peanuts. They discovered Israeli babies are very low risk because of the popularity of the peanut snack Bamba in Israel.
YpLax TIL the secular holiday Festivus was not invented for Seinfeld. It was created in the mid sixties by author Daniel O'Keefe as a way of rejecting the commercialism of Christmas with his family. His son later was a writer for Seinfeld and introduced his family's tradition.
R7rdw TIL in 1927, a store that sold blocks of ice called the Southland Ice Company decided to keep extended hours, from 7am-11pm. They changed their name to 7-11. Once, after a football game, customers kept coming in and they were not able to close all night, so they adopted a 24 hour model
5ZMP TIL Elvis once handed Alice Cooper one of his guns and asked him to point it at him to show off his karate skills. Cooper later said that he genuinely wanted to pull the trigger to do something legendary with his life, but Elvis knocked the gun out of his hand and pinned him before he could fire.