› added 1 year ago


TIL that India's first representative at the Winter Olympics., in 1964, was Jeremy Bujakowski, an Lithuanian born skier of Polish descent who grew up in India (and was naturalized as an Indian citizen). He learned to ski in Boise, Idaho, USA.

VybQ TIL When Frank Sinatra’s son was kidnapped the kidnappers demanded that all communication be on payphones.Sinatra was concerned he wouldn’t have enough change to complete the calls. He carried a roll of dimes with him at all times for the rest of his life; he was buried with ten dimes in his pocket.
KOjlJ TIL Richard Allen was a minister, educator, writer, and one of America's most active and influential black leaders. In 1794, he founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the first independent black denomination in the United States. He opened his first AME church in 1794 in Philadelphia,PA.
4Y5w TIL that due to popular misconceptions, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration keeps a webpage explaining “Why don’t we try to destroy tropical cyclones by nuking them”
D1kJD TIL After English, Latin is the most common language spoken by American Presidents, with 12 fluent presidents. Next is Greek with 7, French with 6, and German with 4. Also atleast one American president has been fluent in Dutch, Italian, Spanish, and Hebrew.
QJX5p TIL A heavily pregnant Moroccan woman was scheduled for a c-section. She fled the hospital after watching another woman die during the procedure. 46 years later she was diagnosed with a tumor. The 'tumor' turned out to be the calcified baby still inside her.