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TIL that in 1923, a jockey named Frank Hayes won a horse race at Belmont Park in New York despite dying mid-race. He suffered a heart attack but stayed in the saddle until his horse crossed the finish line first. It was the only race he ever won, and the horse was named "Sweet Kiss." After the incid

p8kkG TIL that Lea Thompson (Back to the Future) studied ballet as a girl & danced professionally by the age of 14, winning multiple prestigious scholarships. Told she did not have the right body to become a prima ballerina by Mikhail Baryshnikov himself, she changed her focus to acting.
GADW1 TIL there is something called "Sazae-san syndrome" in Japan. Every Sunday, at 6:30pm, an animated show called Sazae-san airs, and when it ends many Japanese people are struck with feelings of melancholy because they are reminded the weekend is coming to an end.
LdBv TIL there are more tigers in the state of Texas than all of Asia
NjRE TIL in 2001 a man wrestled a 7-foot bull shark to retrieve the severed arm of his nephew. After saving the boy the man dived back in, seized the shark and wrestled it to shore where a ranger shot it. The arm was pried from its gullet, put on ice, rushed to the hospital and successfully sewed back on
oRNXL TIL during his bachelor's degree, Robert Andrews Millikan was asked to teach elementary physics course although he was studying classics. He accepts the offer, studies a physics book during a summer vacation and after 34 years he wins the Nobel Prize for Physics.