› added 8 years ago


TIL that in 1873 a war broke out between Republicans and Democrats after both sides claimed they won the state election for Governor. Louisiana Democrats formed a “shadow” government, their own paramilitary force called the White League, and massacred more than 150 African Americans.

0Eyp TIL Navy SEALs began as a Naval Combat Demolition Unit eliminating obstacles on enemy-held beaches at Normandy prior to invasion. The NCDUs at Omaha Beach blew 8 complete gaps and 2 partial gaps in the German defenses by clearing 700 yds of beach in 2 hours, another 900 yds by the afternoon.
b6pl9 TIL about the Roughnecks of Sherwood Forest. They were American oil drillers who traveled from Oklahoma to the UK and helped contribute over one million barrels of much-needed oil to fuel the war effort against Germany during WWII. This oil was crucial to the Allies' victory over the Axis powers.
YyJA TIL The sun will never set on the present-day British Empire, due to the smallest and most isolated of the 14 territories, the Pitcairn Islands, which only has a population of a few dozen people. Until there is an eclipse there, Britain remains the empire on which the sun never sets.
nwx7 TIL The first Atomic bomb dropped on Japan was assembled while the aircraft was actually in flight, because bombers kept crashing and burning on the runway. It took them 25 minutes to assemble the weapon while in flight.
x6b50 TIL that the role of Ruby Rhod in The Fifth Element almost went to Prince rather than Chris Tucker.