› added 10 years ago


TIL - The highest blood alcohol content ever recorded was .91%, more than twice the typical lethal limit and eleven times more than legally drunk.

XE0pR TIL that fiancée is the feminine form and fiancé is the masculine form for engagements.
VBdPk TIL That following the Messinian salinity crisis, during which the Mediterranean almost completely dried up for 630,000 years, 5.33 Ma ago the Zanclean flood happened: water broke through the Gibraltar Strait, filling the Mediterranean within months at 100,000,000 m³/s – 1,000x flow of the Amazon!
QJNQk When you think of archaeology, you might think of ancient buildings or Han Solo in a fedora, but the truth is, archaeologists spend more time digging through ancient trash than avoiding ancient Peruvian blowgun traps. In fact, many of the items behind the glass at your favorite museum were most likely found in a midden or ancient dump. Even today, archaeologists believe that trash reveals more about the lives we actually lead than, say, a journal. As far as archaeologists are concerned, one man’s trash is indeed another man’s treasure. So the next time you throw that Hot Pocket wrapper in the trash, just remember: It belongs in a museum!PRODUCER/EDITOR: Chris MattleCAMERA/ASSISTANT PRODUCER: Laurence AlexanderCAMERA: Jared Gair
jN1QM TIL that Kars 4 Kids actually uses the money they get to promote Orthodox Jewishness in Jewish children
4XkPa TIL; That China's President Xi Jinping censored Winnie the Pooh after he was made aware of his online comparison to Pooh bear.