› added 8 years ago


TIL the movie “The China Syndrome”, which tells the story of a reporter who discovers safety coverups at a nuclear power plant, was met with backlash from the nuclear power industry for being “sheer fiction”. Twelve days later, the Three Mile Island nuclear meltdown accident occurred.

6EExX A few transplants out of the 28,000 performed every year involve the same organ spending time in more than two bodies. The most common scenario arises when a patient in the late stages of a disease receives a new liver or kidney as a last-ditch effort to keep him alive. If he dies shortly after, and the new organ wasn't the cause, re-transplanting may be an option.
oyPL TIL a documentary film called “My Kid Could Paint That”, which was supposed to be about a child painting prodigy, turned into an investigative piece when it turned out her parents were likely producing “her” artwork
0o1v TIL 2LT Jackie Robinson was court martialed for refusing to move to the back of the bus while serving in the Army in 1944, 11 years before Rosa Parks’ famous refusal
YOVB TIL Dr. Gay Hitler, son of George Washington Hitler, was a local dentist in Circleville, Ohio, and served the community from 1922 through 1946. Many roads in the area still contain the word ‘Hitler’ through this family.
ZpJPo TIL: That Ben Johnson tested positive for the anabolic steroid stanozolol and was stripped of his gold medal at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Of the eight athletes who competed in the 100m final - five of them subsequently failed drugs tests.